Monday, June 2, 2008

Just another manic Monday

This was one of those days that gives Mondays a bad rap.

As usual, I have little time to blog so I will make this quick. In a nutshell, my dad woke up this morning showing symptoms of what could be Lyme disease. I wrote my first city council meeting story (even though Mondays are one of my days off, it couldn't be helped). I got an assignment for tomorrow that took about an hour for me to prepare for (it helps if you know where you're supposed to be going to actually COVER the story). I went to the vet and browsed through a catalog of pet urns, trying to pick one out for P.J.'s ashes. (Another sure sign that I'm on my way to becoming a cat lady.)

I guess this day hasn't been as stressful as it has been just downright weird.



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